Keep the top spinning. 

If you try spinning when the green circle is too far, you'll make it unbalanced

Don't worry. If you get a perfect spin, it will help steady it again.

Don't wait too long, or else the top will fall

Inspired by the times my parents would bring home electronic spinning tops. We'd turn off the lights at night and spin them in the dark. It always felt special and a little strange to sit in the dark and watch the lights and colors run together. 

Made in 2 hours and 50 minutes for Trijam #271: New Toys

Font used: Pally


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Fun little rhythm game. I really like how in order to get a perfect "hit" you have to get really close to letting the top fall over. Add some music, sound effects, and screen shake on hits and this game will be JUICY

Thanks so much for your feedback, glad you enjoyed :)